Digital Character Design

3 total reviews for this sensei
3 reviews

Create a basic cartoon character using digital software.

Meet Your Sensei

  • I am a professional Illustrator specializing in whimsical, children's book drawings. I love color and expression and I do my best to bring that into each piece I create. I would love show you how I make my creations...So let's get painting! :)


3 reviews
  • Sarah A - Jun 8, 2021:
    Thank you!

  • Amanda S - Jun 8, 2021:
    My kids are 11 ad 13. They did the class together and really enjoyed it. They drew rainbow penguins and owls and are very proud of themselves.

  • Roopa K - Jun 8, 2021:
    Both my kids attended and loved the session. Thank you offering such a variety of workshops. 👍